
Women Display 

Their Inner Beauty on the Outside


1. Quiz

Take our simple style quiz to tell your stylist what your fashion goals are, what your budget is, and how she can help you bring your inner beauty to the outside.

2. Consultation

After completing our styling quiz, meet your personal stylist via live chat (video or type, whatever your preference). During the consultation, you will discuss your styling goals, review fashion ideas, and learn more about VLR Stylist.

3. Start Shopping

Now the fun part, SHOPPING! Sit back, relax, and let your personal stylist take the wheel. You personalized fashion suggestions will be sent to you (via email or text) for you to review. Tell you stylist which pieces you love and wait for them to arrive at your door. It's that easy! 


Styling Advice & Outfits Based on Your Lifestyle

Personalized Fashion Items Within Your Budget

Instantly Chat with Your Stylist

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get Started?

How Do The Styling Boxes Work?